Air Cleaning and Disinfection Solutions in Medical Centers

Medical Centers
Air cleaning and disinfection solutions in medical centers.
Medical centers are the most important arguments for combating epidemics. People affected by epidemics are treated in these areas. It is inevitable that they will interact with people who are experiencing other health problems. For this reason, medical centers are the areas where epidemics spread the fastest. Epidemics such as corona and influenza are generally spread through the air. In order to prevent this spread, air cleaning and disinfection solutions come to the fore.
Pakozon offers ozone and ion Solutions for all habitats, the method used by nature for air purification and approved by health institutions.
With the solutions we have produced, the spread of epidemics can be reduced. Solutions for safe buildings, safe cities and a safe world that can breathe comfortably using the right product and the right technology against the corona virus are offered to your service.
All of habitats in the environment such bacteria, viruses, bad smells, can eliminate by ozone gas. Ozone generators are used for both contact surface and air disinfection purposes. Application can be done between 10 minutes and 60 minutes depending on product strength and area size. After application, it is completely converted to oxygen in a short time. You can use it as a completely natural and green application safely in your medical centers.
Viruses which cause outbreaks and disease(Corona, influenza, etc.). allergens, pollen, spores and dust that which cause respiratory diseases such as asthma, allergies can be eliminate from the air with negative ion technology. Negative ions provide benefits such as high oxygen absorption, purified air breathing, regular sleep, strong immune system, decreased stress, regulation of the nervous system, increased physical ability, increase in mental function, increase in sensory function, increase in work performance etc.
In public areas, devices such as ventilation systems, air conditioners and VRV take infected and polluted air in the environment and pass it through the filter and return it to the same environment. Viruses with a size of 20 to 90nm cannot hold any filters. This situation increases the spread of epidemics. UVC products are applied to ventilation ducts, fancoil outlets and central air conditioners, ensuring that the air entering the environment is free from viruses such as corona. For more information, see solutions-UVC systems’ pages on website.

How does the ozone generator clean up viruses and bacteria in medical centers?
Ozone generators are used to destroy both air and contact surface pests. Its biggest advantage is that it spreads by air and reaches everywhere. Because it cannot be used in human presence, it is an effective solution as an equivalent of spraying. After application, the environment can be ventilated and made suitable for health.
Ozone inhibits and blocks the chemical structure of bacteria, disrupting and destroying the metabolism of bacterial cells. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing them from the protein coating to the nucleic acid nucleus, which damages viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the capsid or outer protein shell by oxidation, so that the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid) structures of the microorganism are affected.

How does Ion air purifier clean viruses and bacteria in medical centers?
Viruses, bacteria, allergens, dust, mites, spores, cigarette smoke, etc. all pests are positively charged. When a sufficient amount of negative ions are found in the environment, these pests become heavy and fall. In this way, they are prevented from sticking to our respiratory system.
Research conducted by Columbia University and The New York State Institute of Psychiatry found that the formation of bacteria in a room containing negative ions decreased, and pollen, dust, myths, viruses, cigarette smoke, animal rashes, odors and toxic chemical vapors were also precipitated.

Tests of viruses and bacteria made with ozone and the results obtained.
A bacteriological test with a pakozon brand ozone generator showed that bacteria were damaged or destroyed at high rates.
It has been proven by scientific studies that ozone gas kills the SARS corona virus. Because Covid19 coronavirus and SARS coronavirus have the same structure, it can also be said to be effective on Covid19.
During the 2003 SARS outbreak, ozone sterilization was successfully used to purify environments infected with SARS-CoV-1.
In a total of 16 different virus tests, such as SARS, influenza, hepatitis A made with ozone gas, it was concluded that it destroyed all viruses in the correct concentration of 30 seconds to 10 minutes.
Ozone gas is neutralize or destroy all pests by disrupting their structure. it has been proven in tests with more than 20 different bacteria and molds too.

Experiments with Ionart negative ion technology and results obtained.
In an experiment conducted at a production facility in Switzerland, there are 6 different rooms where 22 people work. Only three rooms have operated negative ion devices. In the other three rooms, the negative ion device was not activated. At the end of 6 months, the difference in job losses was seen to decrease about 3 times. In the same way, due to the flu epidemic, job loss in the negative ion device working room was 3 days, while in the second group there was 40 Days Job Loss
At the University of Colombia, Michael Terma investigated the relationship of the negative ion with seasonal depression. 25 people who experienced seasonal depression participated in this study. Negative ion devices have been placed in the habitats of these people. After a certain period of time, a heavy antidepressant effect such as Prozac and Zolof was achieved with a high amount of negative ions in the habitat of these people, and no side effects caused by these drugs occurred.
In a Swiss bank test, a negative ion device was operated in an area where 309 people worked, while a negative ion device was not operated in an area where 362 people worked. As a result of the Test, it was found that the working day lost in the first group due to airborne diseases such as flu and influenza was 16 times less than in the second group.
Excessive production of seratonin in the absence of negative ions leads to insomnia and nightmares. It has been shown that using a Negative Ion air purifier in a group of people who experience sleep disorders solves these problems. Sleep quality has been seen to increase due to more comfortable sleep.
In an experiment with Olympic Athletes, a negative ion session lasting 3 hours was performed. After the session, the athletes ' average reaction times decreased from 72 milliseconds to 64 milliseconds, showing a 10% improvement.

Advantages of choosing Pakozon ozone generators in medical centers
  • Products are designed to meet your needs in medical centers.
  • Destroys viruses such as corona (covid-19), which are present both on the contact surface and in the air in the environment.
  • Creates an odorless environment by destroying all pests that cause odor in the environment.
  • Like other disinfection tools, it does not leave residue and carcinogenic waste. It'll be back to oxygen in no time.
  • Ozone is the most powerful natural disinfectant. It is stronger than hydrogen peroxide used in spraying.
  • Ozone is produced by completely natural means. It returns to oxygen by natural means.
  • Source is ambient air. You do not need additional product like any medicine.
  • Repeated use can be done.
  • Just plug it in. It is powered by 220V household electricity.
  • It can automatically turn itself off by setting the time.
  • The highest quality and longest lasting components were preferred in the materials used. No material of Far Eastern origin is used.

Benefits of Pakozon Ionart Negative Ion air cleaners in medical centers.
  • You can prevent epidemics
  • Corona, which causes disease, is cleaned from the air with negative ion technology for viruses such as influenza.
  • -Effective solution against asthma and allergies problems.
  • It is effective against respiratory diseases such as asthma, allergies caused by air quality.
  • Health effects from Ion
  • Negative ions increase the absorption of oxygen in our respiratory system.
  • Reduces conditions such as high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, irritability, ambivalence, weakness, headache, insomnia and panic attacks.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • It solves the problem of allergy, respiratory discomfort and insomnia caused by high seratonin.
  • Strengthens physical and mental functions. It balances the immune and nervous system.ystem.
  • Increases sensory functions.
  • Improves job performance and focus.
  • It has an antidepressant effect on disorders such as nervous system disorders and seasonal depression.
  • Increases the physical and mental strength of athletes.
  • Increases athletes ' endurance up to two times.

How to use ozone generators
  • Ozone generator is carried to the application area.
  • Ensure that the ozone generator is plugged in.
  • Set to timer.
  • If the product is a fixed type, ozone application is initiated autonomously by pressing the button or if it is a digital switch.
  • Make sure the doors and windows are closed and get out of the room.
  • Air the environment after the ozonation period is over. After the ozone gas ratio falls below a certain ratio, a suitable environment for reuse is formed.
  • Fresh air is encountered when starting to use again.

How to use Ionart negative ion devices
  • Products have alternative application types as desktop or wall type.
  • You can always run the wall mounted product with one button by mounting it in the appropriate area.
  • Desktop products can be take on with one button in the application area.
  • Desktop products can take on with one button in the application area.
  • During its operation, the amount of negative ions increases in the environment.
  • Positive ions and positively charged pests in the air become heavy and fall.
  • The product can actively work in your living space.
  • Fresh and clean air is provided during use.

Misconceptions about ozone technology
Q: Is ozone gas harmful to health?
Answer: Depends on how you use it. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant. Harmful to health when used incorrectly.
Q: Does the ozone device work in a living environment?
Answer: It can work if it controlled correctly. But this control should be done consciously and professional. For this reason, it is not recommended to give ozone gas in a living environment.
Q: Is ozone carcinogenic?
Answer: The carcinogenic effect of high-density ozone gas has been claimed by Hermann Kappus of Berlin University's Virchow Clinic. But all other sources say otherwise. The International Organization OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) says that up to 0.3 ppm of ozone gas can be inhaled by healthy individuals for 25 minutes. It was shared by T.C. Ministry of Health that there is no harm to ozone gas for 8 hours long up to 0.05 ppm for healthy individuals.
Q: Is the amount of ozone production in grams?
Answer: Yes. But many companies share the amount of ozone produced by inserting a pure oxygen tube. Devices that use ambient air produce about a fifth of that ozone. For this reason, the grams given by many ozone companies may not be correct. As Pakozon, we are committed to the amount of ozone produced using ambient air.
Q: Is ozone technology effective against Corona?
Answer: It has been proven by scientific studies that ozone gas kills the SARS corona virus. Because Covid19 coronavirus and SARS coronavirus have the same structure, it can also be said to be effective on Covid19.

What's wrong with Ionart negative ion technology
Q: Does Ionart Technology produce ozone?
Answer:it produces almost no ozone.
Q: Is Ionart technology harmful to health?
Answer: There is no harm to health. It reflects the naturalness of the waterfall air.
Q: Does Ionart technology clean the air it gets into?
Answer: No. Ionart technology purifies pests in the air by giving negative ions to the environment.
Q: Is Ionart technology not effective?
Answer: Many experiments and studies have proven that it cleanses the air and reduces the spread of epidemics.